


Psychological activities when choosing coffee beans

I saw a video in the feed, the theme is about documenting what happened in 30 days without using a phone, and one of the comment threads goes like this:

Question: How was the video shot without using a phone?
Reply: Camera
Follow-up question: Then how was it edited and uploaded

Smartphones are undoubtedly a technological black box, and mobile internet is like punching a hole in the black box and covering it with a layer of black cloth, allowing people to take things out without opening the box, or in other words, allowing the ghosts in the black box to see the people outside the hole at all times.

And when "editing" and "uploading" and other similar technologies or concepts become part of daily life, it is clear that self-media is a content platform rather than a platform for works. Instead of telling people what I have seen, what is more important is how I want to be seen.

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